4 Reasons Why I Don’t Eat Peanut Butter

People often ask why peanut butter is bad and why it is not included in my recipes. Many people are […]

Rhodiola Rosea for ADHD

Does Rhodiola Rosea Help with ADHD Symptoms?

Using rhodiola rosea for mental focus with ADHD is not new. It’s an herb with a long history in traditional […]

Amazing Benefits of CoQ10 for ADHD You Need to Know

Growing up as Chinese, we eat all kinds of organ meats. My favorite is chicken liver. I like it blanched […]

Benefits of Vitamin B6 for ADHD

How does Vitamin B6 Help ADHD

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) is an essential vitamin that is necessary for more than 60 biological processes in a healthy human body. […]

Can Omega 3 Fish Oil Benefit Brain Health?

Omega-3 from Fish Oil & ADHD Brain

During early childhood, the brain develops rapidly. You see the rapid progression of infants transitioning from just crying, drinking, pooping, […]