Get Your Picky Eater to Eat Healthy Foods Even It They Have ASD & SPD

7 Strategies to Get Your Picky Eaters Eat Healthy Foods Even If They Have ASD and SPD

“They’ll eat when they’re hungry” I’m sure you’ve heard of this many many times. I don’t like this phrase as […]

4 Reasons Why I Don’t Eat Peanut Butter

People often ask why peanut butter is bad and why it is not included in my recipes. Many people are […]

ADHD & Rejection Sensitivity Dysphoria

Rejection Sensitivity Dysphoria RSD & ADHD

Imagine going to school every day feeling different, unimportant, and out of place. Your classmates are reading at grade level, […]

Intense Emotions and ADHD

Intense Emotions and ADHD

Intense emotions in kids with ADHD are very common, in both positive and negative situations. Kids and adults with ADHD […]

Time Hack ADHD Kids

Get Your ADHD Kid to Stay on Task with This Time Hack

Unlike popular beliefs, children love having structures and schedules because these make them feel safe knowing what to expect versus […]

ADHD Productivity Tips

8 Life Changing Productivity Tips for People with ADHD

If you have ADHD, it can be challenging to get things done, and completing a task can seem overwhelming or […]

Chores for kids with ADHD

4 Important Benefits of Chores for Kids with ADHD

I know it’s easier to do the chores yourself than to beg and wait forever for your ADHD child to do […]

Be a Better ADHD Parent

How to Be Better Parent to Your ADHD Child?

When you have a child with ADHD, parenting and disciplining become a bit more complicated. Understanding your child with ADHD can […]

ADHD Sugar Cravings

Why Does My ADHD Child Craves Sugar So Badly?

Are you or your ADHD child addicted to sugar? Is your child’s sugar addiction so bad that they’re sneaking candy […]

benefits of elimination diet for ADHD

3 Amazing Benefits of the Elimination Diet for ADHD

The use of elimination diet for neurological disorders, including ADHD is not new. The idea of elimination diet to treat neurological […]