4 Reasons Why I Don’t Eat Peanut Butter

People often ask why peanut butter is bad and why it is not included in my recipes. Many people are […]

Rhodiola Rosea for ADHD

Does Rhodiola Rosea Help with ADHD Symptoms?

Using rhodiola rosea for mental focus with ADHD is not new. It’s an herb with a long history in traditional […]

Meditation & the ADHD Brain

Benefits of Meditation & the ADHD Brain

I can see your eyes rolling, reading the title. You’ve probably seen pictures of people meditating sitting still for an […]

Benefits of Vitamin B6 for ADHD

How does Vitamin B6 Help ADHD

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) is an essential vitamin that is necessary for more than 60 biological processes in a healthy human body. […]

Vitamin B12 Helps ADHD

How Does Vitamin B12 Help to Calm the ADHD Brain?

Vitamin B12 deficiency is common in children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). A study […]

2 Reasons Why Bulletproof coffee is best for ADHD

The Best Bulletproof Coffee for ADHD

Bulletproof is seem ridiculous for people with ADHD. When I make my coffee, my daughter thinks I’m ridiculous. I add […]

How Does Caffeine Helps ADHD

How to Use Caffeine to Help with ADHD?

I wasn’t going to write about caffeine or coffee as an ADHD treatment. I don’t really know if it is […]

Can Omega 3 Fish Oil Benefit Brain Health?

Omega-3 from Fish Oil & ADHD Brain

During early childhood, the brain develops rapidly. You see the rapid progression of infants transitioning from just crying, drinking, pooping, […]