ADHD breakfast supercharge tips

People always say breakfast is the most important meal of the day. I couldn’t agree more.

However, most people seem to screw up this meal the most.

Nine out of ten patients I saw, both adults and children, do not eat a proper breakfast. Most don’t eat breakfast. Those who do eat breakfast, eat processed junk that makes not eating breakfast a better choice.

Yes, I got it. A bowl of cereal with milk or a breakfast bar is quick and easy. But when you go for convenience and quick, you give up nourishment.

So you need to ask yourself, what is the purpose of YOUR BREAKFAST?

Is it just to have something to eat? Or is it to nourish your body, mind, and soul?

Why do homemade meals always taste so good and so heart-warming?

Because it is made with love. Have you ever heard anyone says “my favorite food is the frozen pizza that my mom heat up in the microwave?

Good food nourishes not only the body but the mind and soul.

So let’s kick up your breakfast many notches and start the day properly prepared!!!





4 Simple Strategies to Boost Your Breakfast to Calm Your ADHD Brain

1. Eat Slow Carbs

The ADHD brain does not process sugar and/or carbohydrates well, especially processed carbs that raise blood sugar within minutes. Eating slow carbs solves this problem. Slows carb are usually natural carbohydrates high in fiber, which slow down sugar conversion and absorption. Meaning, your body will have more time to process the carbohydrate at its own pace.

Because simple sugar stimulates the dopamine reward center in the brain triggering sugar addiction seen in many kids and adults with ADHD.

Instead of sugary breakfast cereals or packaged sugary oatmeal, choose fruits, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, and squashes.

2. Add protein

The ADHD brain is low in many important brain chemicals and does not process sugar well. So a high protein and even high-fat diet is perfect.

Protein is the building block of life, and it’s also the building block of many brain chemicals, especially the ones that low in the ADHD brain. A high protein diet helps to boost brain functions while providing a slow-burning source of energy for the brain.

Choose leftover pieces of chicken or meat from dinner, eggs, sausage, bacon, etc. Avoid processed and canned meats, as the artificial additives in processed meat can interfere with brain chemistry and hormonal signals.

3. Eat dinner for breakfast

A balanced meal should consist of a protein, carbohydrates, and vegetables, just like dinner. When preparing breakfast, aim to have the same composition of the food. Make half your plate mostly fruits and vegetables, one-quarter protein, and the last quarter your slow carbs.

And that, my friend, is how you super-charge your brain to power your ADHD brain for calm and focus.

4. Plan ahead

Most of us don’t have much time in the morning to prepare for breakfast as with dinner. But with a little planning ahead will set you up miles ahead of the game. How about preparing extra food at dinner the night before, so you can eat leftover from breakfast.

Or meal prep breakfast on the weekends or days off. Keep in freezer for the week and reheat in the morning.

Ok, there you have it…

I hope you find this information helpful. Let me know what you think and comment below. 

Remember ADHD does not doom your child to a life of under-achievement. You know your child is bright, full of potential, and deserves the best. In fact, many of the world’s greatest discoveries and inventions were made by people with ADHD.

If you’re just starting out on this natural ADHD treatment journey and still in the research phase, check out my new book Eat to Focus. Inside this book, you’ll learn why your ADHD child is always hungry, why he or she seems addicted to milk and bread, the underlying causes of ADHD, and the most effective ADHD treatment that addresses all the causes to reduce hyperactivity, impulsiveness, and anxiety while improving focus and calmness in your ADHD child. 

Don’t forget to download your free gift 15 Quick & Simple ADHD-Friendly Breakfast Ideas before you leave.

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Clean Eating Officer (CEO) at Malama Wellness + Hypnotherapy
I'm Anna, a passionate dietitian and hypnotherapist dedicated to helping parents of kids with ADHD unlock the transformative potential of healthy eating and holistic approaches. With years of experience in pediatric nutrition and a focus on mind-body connection, I provide personalized guidance and practical tools to support positive behavioral changes and nurture your child's well-being.
I'm Anna, a passionate dietitian and hypnotherapist dedicated to helping parents of kids with ADHD unlock the transformative potential of healthy eating and holistic approaches. With years of experience in pediatric nutrition and a focus on mind-body connection, I provide personalized guidance and practical tools to support positive behavioral changes and nurture your child's well-being.