ADHD Parents Mistakes

When you randomly do a google search for the phrase “natural ADHD treatment”, you’ll be immediately presented with a list of commercial supplements marketed for ADHD at the top of the search results page.

You must be thinking these must be the alternative medication to use.

I recently reviewed a product, which advertise its excellent benefits for ADHD with pages of testimonials. When I look into the ingredients, it’s immunoglobulin, antibodies that our bodies makes.

This product claims to correct some very obscure protein pathway in the brain that I’ve never heard off. I did some research in the federal government medical library search database, which means I have access to every journal in the world, and found nothing about this specific protein pathway.

On top of that, immunoglobulin are usually administered intravenously (through the veins) because it is a protein, which when in contact with stomach acid (pH of 2 or less) will denature or inactivate and become useless.

What is this telling you, a parent who just got the news that your child has ADHD, and is desperately looking for a natural alternative option?

There are many supplements companies out there taking advantage of your vulnerability…learn what NOT to do, and become an educated consumer and find the right natural treatment for your child.

Download the Eat to Focus Quick Start Guide now.

1. Getting Advice and Recommendations From the Wrong Sources


Many manufactures and companies trying take advantage of parent’s vulnerability to make a profit. 

You don’t just walk into any doctor’s office for your healthy issue, why would you just buy any random supplements and/or advise from some stranger on the internet. 

The one that gets me the most is people buying supplements recommended by “the clerk” at the supplement store. 

So many times I have patients come to me and told me “I bought this supplement recommended by the clerk at the GNC store.”

Me: “Oh really. What’s it for?”

Patient: “For memory.”

Me: “What’s in it?”

Patient: “I don’t know.”

Me: “What’s the name? I can look it up.”

Patient: “I don’t know.”

First of all, where did the clerk earn his professional degree and where did he do his clinical training, and how many years of clinical experience does he have? And what is his clinical specialty?

Do you see the danger of this approach? These clerk don’t even know the difference between type 1 and type 2 diabetes. And you trust them with a pill that’s supposed have similar effects as medicine. 

Specialists, like myself, are highly trained and experienced in their area of specialties. I work with child with special needs. I know what it means when a child walks tippy toes, or has a chronic skin rash, or your child eats only beige color food. 

2. Replacing the Lab-made ADHD Medication Pill with Another Herbal Pill to Treat the Same Symptoms.


Most parents don’t want the side effect of the ADHD pill, but perceived that a supplement pill has less harming side effects. This is the same approach as using medication, except this pill is now made with herbals or other biochemical. There are still side effects, but the side effects are less severe. This approach will work in the long run as a boo-boo band aid. 

Current ADHD medications target only a few biochemical pathways to manipulate neurotransmitters to suppress certain behaviors. However, it does not completely remove the root cause of the problem, whatever it is. That is the reason why many children with ADHD do not response well to the medications.

If you use the same stimulant approach as current ADHD medication, you’ll continue to be dependent on a “pill”.

This approach will continue to keep the neurotransmitters level artificially elevated, but it does not help the body to make more of its own neurotransmitters or correct the underlying defect. 

You want to be able to find the underlying causes of low brain neurotransmitter level and fix that cause, so the body can eventually make its own without outside help. 

Just like you got a deep cut on the knee, you clean out the wound and put a big band aid on it so you can take time to go to doc office to get stitched up. 

But if you don’t treat the underlying cause of ADHD, it’s just like you just keep changing band aid every few days, because the wound it still bleeding, when what it really needs are stitches. 

3. Focusing Only on ADHD Symptoms


Currently nobody knows what are the causes of ADHD. It’s probably because there are so many causes, and it’s different for everyone. Remember, ADHD is a diagnosis all based on reported symptoms. There are not test or scan to confirm any biochemical and physiological abnormalities.

In fact, everyone who are diagnosed with ADHD has the same or similar symptoms, but everyone has a different causes. A child who was born premature are at higher risk for developing ADHD. A child born to mom who has poor prenatal care, are prone to ADHD. A child with digestive issues, or certain genetic disorders are prone to ADHD as well.

As long as the diagnosis is based on symptoms, then there are going to be many variable causes. And most kids have at least two or more causes. That’s why even when you found something that works, it works for a while then stop working. Because you’ve only solved part of the puzzle, just like the Rubic’s cube. It’s pretty easy to get the same color on one side, but getting all the color on all sides of the cube, that takes a long time.

When you stopped looking everywhere for the next fancy supplements, and start looking at your child, you start seeing cues as to where to start your natural ADHD treatment journey. Your child’s other non-ADHD symptoms maybe clues to what’s going in his or her body and that’s where you should start.

You need to understand that ADHD symptoms are just that…symptoms. Symptoms are signals that tell us something underlying is wrong.

Whenever parents talk about their child’s ADHD, they always focus on their ADHD symptoms – the lack of focus, impulsivity, anger and mood swings, etc.

But what about their digestion, skin, sleep patterns, eating habits, physical activity levels. These are all the things I ask and look at when assessing a child with ADHD.

Stomach issues, skin rashes or even pickiness with food tell me something maybe wrong with the intestines and/or digestion. If digestion is not functioning properly, you child is not able to absorb the nutrients from food to feed the body and brain.

Sleep disorder is also a sign of poor digestion, nutrient deficiency or chemistry imbalances. Skin rashes usually is manifestation of poor digestion, such as food intolerances and/or improper digestive functions.

If your child with ADHD also has GI symptoms, such as constipation, diarrhea, stomach ache, pickiness with food, skin rashes, food allergies, chances are the causes of ADHD is in the gut. 

In this case, the treatment is elimination diet to identify culprit food, correcting digestion and rebalancing the gut microbiome. 

Did you know changing your child’s diet by eliminating problem food and toxic food additives can significantly improve ADHD symptoms, especially the more aggressive behaviors like anger outburst, aggression and meltdowns.

4. Ignoring the Basic Biological Needs


Most parents’ idea of alternative ADHD treatment is limited to behavioral interventions, taking some fish oil and natural supplements. However, did you know feeding your child the right food and the right diet will bring about significant improvement in symptoms?

Imagine you just bought this beautiful beachfront home (I just like to dream big). 

You move in the house the first day, you open the refrigerator and it’s not cold. You want to take a shower, but there’s no hot water. You flip on the light switch and nothing happens.

Do you:

  1. replace all the appliances as none of them is working? 
  2. call the electric company to see if there’s power to the house? 

I hope all of you choose “B”as that’s the smartest choice. 

Once the electricity is back on, you’ll be able to check which electrical fixtures or appliances are not working and need repair or replacement. 

The electricity is the nutrition that powers your child’s body and brain. 

Even though the electricity is used as an analogy here…the brain does in fact communicate in electricity or electrical impulses. 

We need to get the power to the brain first so we can turn on the light to see what’s going on. 

By starting with diet therapy, you’ll save a lot of time and money that you would have spent on unnecessary random supplements that may or may not work. 

And even if  your child still needs supplements later, he or she will likely need a lower dose with a proper diet. 

It’s easy to assume that a child’s laziness, disengaging demeanor, tantrums are entirely due to his “ADHD diagnosis”—until you see many of these behaviors improve with good nutrition interventions. 

Watching a child’s demeanor and ability to change when he is fully nourished is always an eye-opener.

Nutrition therapy can be a potent therapeutic approach that can work very well if done properly.

We need to give the brain the fundamental basics – a clean diet free of toxic brain-altering food additives and processed non-food items. 

Feeding your child proper nutrition doesn’t just put a band aid on the symptoms like medications do, it starts fixing the problem at the root causes.

Also, keep in mind that natural ADHD treatment in children is not the same for adults. 

In young children, the focus is mainly on removing any environmental influences and correcting nutrient deficiencies to boost catch-up brain growth and development. The nutrients support building of new brain tissue, while the other therapies, such as meditation and cognitive behavioral therapy, help to build proper pathways.

On the other hand, the adult brain is mostly developed and the metabolism between the adult brain and children brain is different. Natural ADHD treatment in adult focuses on using natural substances to boost the body’s own natural dopamine production, with some support from natural stimulants. This is a very effective natural dopamine enhancer for adults.

Ok, there you have it…

I hope you find this information helpful. Let me know what you think and comment below.

Remember ADHD does not doom your child to a life of under-achievement. You know your child is bright, full of potential, and deserves the best. In fact, many of the world’s greatest discoveries and inventions were made by people with ADHD.

I helped my crazy wild child who could not read or write when she was little with the 4 steps I laid out in the Eat to Focus book. She’s now a merit scholarship student studying premed in Loyola Chicago University.

So stay strong and keep believing in your child.

Check out the Eat to Focus book to learn about my story and the 4 steps that I used to transform my daughter and help her reach her full potential. This information may change your child’s future.

Download your free gift before you leave. I have put together 15 clean and brain-nourishing school day breakfast ideas for you. I don’t like to spend my life in the kitchen either, so I make sure these are super simple and quick recipes, and some you can even prepare the night before. Knowing your child goes to school fully prepared and well-fed is satisfying.


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***I am including links in this post for your convenience to review the products that I recommend. There is no obligation for you to purchase any product. Some of these links may contain an affiliate link, and I may get a small commission from the sale. However, you know I only recommend products that I know and trust. If you do make a purchase from one of these links, and I earn a small commission from it, I thank you.***

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Clean Eating Officer (CEO) at Malama Wellness + Hypnotherapy
I'm Anna, a passionate dietitian and hypnotherapist dedicated to helping parents of kids with ADHD unlock the transformative potential of healthy eating and holistic approaches. With years of experience in pediatric nutrition and a focus on mind-body connection, I provide personalized guidance and practical tools to support positive behavioral changes and nurture your child's well-being.
I'm Anna, a passionate dietitian and hypnotherapist dedicated to helping parents of kids with ADHD unlock the transformative potential of healthy eating and holistic approaches. With years of experience in pediatric nutrition and a focus on mind-body connection, I provide personalized guidance and practical tools to support positive behavioral changes and nurture your child's well-being.