ADHD diet on budget

A special diet is not as expensive as “you think”. People often think eating healthy or following a special diet is expensive. So they end up looking at all the expensive places for groceries. 

In this post, I’d like to show you some strategies to follow the Eat to Focus Protocol on a budget. 

You know your current diet is not good because you notice your child acts up after eating a certain food or certain meals, your child is always hungry, your child craves sugary junk snacks. 

Your mama instinct is detecting something. 

Kids with ADHD have special nutritional needs. it’s not as simple as removing food colorings or food dyes and taking a couple of vitamins or supplements. There is more to it than you realize.

The Eat to Focus Protocol eating lifestyle addresses the difference in brain functions, common hidden food sensitivities, and poor gut integrity that are causing hyperactivity, impulsiveness, and lack of focus in kids with ADHD. 

Feeding your child and your family a clean diet is not just a luxury, but peace of mind that your child is well-fed with food that fits his or her body. In the end, you’ll be spending more quality time with your child instead of trying to calm him or her down, or answering annoying phone calls or texts from schools or teachers. 

Just like anything new – need time to adjust to turn into habits. Once you have a system, then everything will eventually become a habit and comes easily and just happen. 

When you eat the way that fits your body, you don’t eat as much or as frequently. You’ll be saving money from the junk food you used to buy to curb your hungry child’s unnecessary cravings.  

5 Simple Strategies to Eat to Focus on a Budget

  1. Replace ingredients in current favorite recipes. Instead of wheat flour in cake or pancakes, you can replace wheat flour with coconut flour. Instead of rice or pasta for meals, eat potatoes or spaghetti squash. Instead of regular milk pudding, make chocolate pudding from avocado. 
  1. Ditch package food – many foods are naturally gluten-free and dairy-free, such as all meat, poultry, fish, seafood, eggs, nuts, beans, seeds, all fruits, and vegetables. You don’t need to buy any gluten-free pasta, gluten-free noodle, gluten-free cookies, gluten-free crackers, gluten-free flour mix. 
  1. Eat ingredients for snacks. Any food that comes in a package and ready to consume are expensive because you’re paying for convenience. But you’re also paying the price for your health. Packaged and processed food not only lack nutritional value from excessive processing, the added artificial flavorings and preservatives are something you are paying for. 
  1. Meal planning. Planning your meals and snacks ahead of time saves time and money. You know exactly what you need to buy in the store, so you save time making multiple trips to the store for missing items. You’ll also have your meals and snacks ready, so you don’t end up ordering take-out from restaurants because dinner is not ready and everyone is HANGRY. is a wonderful meal planning apps that allow you to customize your family’s meal one week at a time based on food preferences and special dietary needs. You decide how times you want to cook and which meal to eat at home. Download this 4-week sample meal plan to start. 
  1. Discount specialty grocery stores. Lucky us. There are many discount specialty stores where you can get high quality organic clean grocery items for discounted prices. Thrive Market is like the child of Costco+Whole in one. You can find discounted prices of organic clean foods and products shipped directly to you. You can get discounted funny-shaped produce from MisFit Produce that is not “pretty” enough to sell to a regular store. And of course, your local farmers’ market and CSA communities are other wonderful places to get discounted fresh produce from. 

Feeding our family healthy clean food is not only the right thing to do, but it’s also an investment into our future. 

Without a healthy proper functioning body, our lives can only go so far and achieve so much. And you have the power to help your child. 

Ok, there you have it…

I hope you find this information helpful. Let me know what you think and comment below. 

Remember ADHD does not doom your child to a life of under-achievement. You know your child is bright, full of potential, and deserves the best. In fact, many of the world’s greatest discoveries and inventions were made by people with ADHD.

I helped my crazy wild child who couldn’t read or write when she was little overcome her learning difficulties, and become a merit scholarship student majoring in premed at Loyola Chicago University.

So don’t give up, everything is possible. 

If you’re just starting out on this natural ADHD treatment journey and still in the research phase, check out my new book Eat to Focus.

Inside this book, you’ll learn why your ADHD child is always hungry, why he or she seems addicted to milk and bread, the reason why most ADHD treatments do not work, and the exact four strategies I’ve used for my daughter to help her calm down to focus and finally learn normally. 

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***I include links in this post for your convenience to review the products that I recommend. There is no obligation for you to purchase any product. Some of these links may contain an affiliate link, and I may get a small commission from the sale to help offset the cost to keep this blog going. You know I only recommend products that I know works and trust. If you do make a purchase from one of these links, and I earn a small commission from it, I thank you for keeping this blog alive.***

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Clean Eating Officer (CEO) at Malama Wellness + Hypnotherapy
I'm Anna, a passionate dietitian and hypnotherapist dedicated to helping parents of kids with ADHD unlock the transformative potential of healthy eating and holistic approaches. With years of experience in pediatric nutrition and a focus on mind-body connection, I provide personalized guidance and practical tools to support positive behavioral changes and nurture your child's well-being.
I'm Anna, a passionate dietitian and hypnotherapist dedicated to helping parents of kids with ADHD unlock the transformative potential of healthy eating and holistic approaches. With years of experience in pediatric nutrition and a focus on mind-body connection, I provide personalized guidance and practical tools to support positive behavioral changes and nurture your child's well-being.